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American Academy of Clinical Psychology

The American Academy of Clinical Psychology is an organization of Board Certified psychologists in the specialty of Clinical Psychology who have joined together to promote high quality services in Clinical Psychology, through encouraging high standards and ethical practice in the field. The Academy also provides member services, promotes the value and recognition of Board Certification in the specialty of Clinical Psychology, and encourages those qualified by training and experience to become candidates for Board Certification.

Benefits of AACP Membership

Benefits include:

  • Discounted annual premiums for professional liability insurance from American Professional Agency, Inc.
  • Academy website with "Members Only" access to member documents and resources
  • Opportunity to share your news of professional accomplishments publicly -- in the Member News section of the Academy website
  • Opportunity to be listed in our Member Directory
  • A link from the Directory to members' professional websites
  • Opportunities to publish in the Academy's journal, the Bulletin
  • Having a vehicle through which specialists in Clinical Psychology may be heard regarding mental health policy


In order to become a Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Psychology, the psychologist must be a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) or the Association for Psychological Science (APS) or must pass the American Board of Professional Psychology's Specialty Board Certification examination in any of their specialty areas. This qualifies the psychologist to become both a member and  Fellow of AACP. (See the page for "Become a Member" under "Membership" for the AACP application form.)


The AACP BOD currently consists of six dedicated professionals, but there is only so much six persons can do to further the Academy.
Similarly, we need to expand our committee membership. I can’t emphasize enough that this effort does take a village. Currently, our committees are as follows:

  • Membership
  • Communications
  • Continuing Education
  • Finance
  • Clinical Psychopharmacology
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

If you are interested in serving on the BOD or a committee, please contact Gerardo Rodriguez-Menendez, PhD, MSCP, ABPP

American Academy of Clinical Psychology

PO Box 6008 - 11007 South Ocean Drive .  Jensen Beach, FL 34957
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The American Academy of Clinical Psychology is an independent membership association that encourages and promotes the development of excellence in the practice of Professional Psychology. The Academy is not affiliated with any other organization including the American Board of Professional Psychology.

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