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American Academy of Clinical Psychology

Meet the 2025 Clinical Practice Leadership Summit Speakers

We are honored to feature an outstanding lineup of experts at this year’s Clinical Practice Leadership Summit.
Our speakers represent diverse backgrounds in clinical psychology, psychopharmacology, research, and policy, bringing invaluable insights to the forefront of the field.

Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from thought leaders, engage in dynamic discussions, and gain practical knowledge to advance their practice.
Explore the list of distinguished speakers below and get ready for an inspiring and informative event.

Key Principles for Successful Practice, Levels of Care, and Medication ConsiderationAlzheimer’s Pharmacotherapy: From Small Molecules to Disease-modifying Immunotherapies.Updates in psychological pharmacological concerns with the LGBTQ+ individuals
Speaker  Topic
Beth Rom-Rymer, PH.D History of the RxP Movement and Future Directions
James Bray, PhD Opportunities and Changes for the Future of Clinical Psychology
George M. Kapalka, PhD, MS, ABPP Developments on New Medications for ADHD
Amy Wachholtz, PhD, MDiv, MS-PsyPharm Psychopharmacology in the Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders
Kelsey Latimer, PhD, CEDS-S, RN/BSN Key Principles for Successful Practice, Levels of Care, and Medication Considerations
Christopher Rossilli, PsyD, MSCP, AMBP Medical Cannabis
Bret Moore, PsyD, MSCP, ABPP Psychedelics: The Promise of a New Approach
Gerardo Rodriguez-Menendez, PhD & Teresa Albizu, EdD How to Develop a Consulting Practice
Deborah Baker,  J.D. APA & the Pursuit of RxP: How Past Efforts have Shaped Current APA RxP Policies including RxP Model Legislation to Support Future Successes
Ruth Roa-Navarette, PsyD Prescribing to Active Duty Military Personnel
Jin Lee, PSYD., MSCP, BCB Functional Neurological Disorder
Cheryl Hall, Ph.D., MSCP Prescribing via Telehealth: What Psychologists Need to Know
Barbara White, PhDUsing a systemically based online, self-guided course to conceptualize and treat couples
Ashley Allen, PsyD The Hidden Risk for Overdose: Clinical Assessment of Anticholinergic Burden and Toxicity
Airyn Nash, BS, 1LT Cheyenne Quilter & 1LT Elisabeth (Liz) Mata Filling The Gap: Training Future Military Prescribing Psychologists
Graham Taylor, PsyD & Lawrie Ignasio, PsyD Self-Meaning Based Therapy
Omar Alhassoon, PhD, MSCP Untangling Cognitive Decline: Neuropsychological Approaches to Differentiating Alzheimer's Dementia versus Late-Life Depression
Craige Wrenn, PhDAlzheimer’s Pharmacotherapy: From Small Molecules to Disease-modifying Immunotherapies.
Ryan Ernst, PsyD, MSCP, ABPN Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease: Breaking Down Plasma Biomakers
Claudia MosierUpdates in psychological pharmacological concerns with the LGBTQ+ individuals
David Giard, PsyD, MSCP TBA
Shantay Mines Racial Trauma PTSD in Black Veterans
Peter Smith, PsyD, MSCP The Psychologist in the Emergency Room
Farida Hassan, MS Ethnopsychopharmacology: Middle Eastern Populations

Gerardo Rodriguez-MenendezGeorge Kaplaka, Derek PhillipsEric SilkRyan Ernst, Casey McDougall, & Amy Wacholtzt

An Overview of MSCP Psychopharmacology Programs

Derek Phillips & Lynette Pujol

Clinical Psychopharmacology ABPP Update

Christopher Rossilli, PSYD, MSCP, AMBP

How to Review for the PEP

Dina Glaser & Gery Rodriguez

Developing Rotations for Clinical Certification & Licensure

Gery Rodriguez & Lance Garrison

The Use of Virtual Simulation Labs and AI Technology in Clinical Programs

Rita Rivera & Josue Martinez

Ethnopsychopharmacology: Hispanic / Latin Populations
Roger Clark, PsyD, MSCP, ABPPThe Path to an RxP Bill in Tennessee - Sharing Lessons We Learned that Your State May Use
Phillip Hughes, MSComparing the Patients and Outcomes of Prescribing Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Primary Care Physicians: Insights on Safety

Erika Liljedahl and Gerardo Rodriguez-Albizu

How to Prepare for a Deposition: Dos and Don’ts for Psychologists

American Academy of Clinical Psychology

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The American Academy of Clinical Psychology is an independent membership association that encourages and promotes the development of excellence in the practice of Professional Psychology. The Academy is not affiliated with any other organization including the American Board of Professional Psychology.

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